

Gradients based on integer sequences and traditional Japanese colours, by US-based digital artist Gacruxa. She writes:

One day I was trying to design a desktop for my computer, right after I had read somewhere that mathematics plays a role in color. So I divided the screen into a segment of one unit, 3 units, 5, 8, 13, and 21, the Fibonacci numbers. Then for each of these segments I made a red with RGBs in Fibonacci numbers, next an orange, etc. The result was to my mind incredibly beautiful. Then when I discovered Photoshop, and its gradients, I Googled Fibonacci and found the OEIS.

I (as Urceola, where the first 404 of my PS gradients are) started designing gradients based on either Fibonacci numbers, or some mathematical sequence, found, conveniently, in the OEIS. I also make gradients that are based on the traditional colors of Japan.

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