Christian Heine

Detail of the GTS2012 ages scale
Christian Heine of the University of Sydney's EarthByte group, curates a collection of colour palettes for geological time. The author writes:
The color palettes are categorical color assignments (RGB values) to chronostratigraphic intervals of different geological time scales as proposed by the Commission of the Geological Map of the World. Separate divisions of the chronostratigraphic time scale are available as individual files, broken down into eras, eons, epochs, and ages.
The geomagnetic polarity time scale represents geological time as a series of normal and reversed magnetic polarity chrons (time intervals). Normal polarity chrons are represented in white, while reversely magnetised chrons are represented in black.
Casting the color information into GMT-compatible CPT files was done while preparing a workflow utilising on the GPlates software and the Generic Mapping Tools for producing time series of plate tectonic reconstructions for a paper which automatically creates chronostratigraphic timelines (see Heine et al., 2013, Solid Earth, doi: 10.5194/se-4-215-2013).
Contributions to extend the current collection of color scales, both, in time and to other timescales are highly appreciated and can either be emailed directly to the author or committed through the repository. This is updated from time to time, please check there for the most recent version of the files and more information on usage. Issues or bugs discovered in the CPT files can also be logged by using the issue tracker.
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