The gradients on cpt-city are copyrighted by their authors. In all cases the gradients in the archive are included with the permission of the author, either explicitly or where the licence under which they were distributed allows it.
The original gradients are converted to the other formats available on cpt-city — these generated gradients are offered under the same licence as the original.
Please respect the authors' copyright.
Free to use
All gradients in the archive are free for you to download and use in your own maps, illustrations and so on. Some authors request or require that attribution be given.
Free use does not include the further distribution of the gradients, modified or unmodified.
You should not distribute the gradients on cpt-city unless the licence permits it: gradients contributed to the public domain, those under GPL, Apache-like, Creative commons or MIT licences allow distribution (under some conditions).
If the author has not specified a licence then you do not have permission to distribute the gradients.
If you are an author and would like to change the licence for your gradients then please contact me. It would be helpful if you could send a replacement copyright record (the file COPYING.xml) for your gradients.