
faraday rotation map

Faraday rotation with GMT's Polar palette

Why cpt-city?

I knew some kids who said x-city whenever they got some x: they got some fried chicken and would say “wow, now I'm living in fried chicken city!”, which made me laugh.

How many gradients are there?

There are 7163 cpt files, and 10 or so fewer of each of the other formats (due to conversion failures).

Can I download the whole site?

I have always said that I have no objection to downloads of the whole site. Unfortunately, there are a small number of users who do so repeatedly and use up so much bandwidth that the viability of this site is threatened. Consequently and with regret, I must insist that only a single download of the entire site is made per IP address, multiple downloaders will be blocked from accessing the site temporarily.

Please note that if you just want the gradient files, then these are available in zip files in the cpt-city packages.

How can I download the whole site?

With the bulk downloading tool of your choice. Be aware that the cpt-city robots.txt requests that robots do not access the gradient files — but this does not apply to people.

Will cpt-city support the GIMP palette format?

No, since easy enough to convert a GIMP gradient to a palette from the GIMPs own palette dialogue.

When I link to images on cpt-city I get a 403 (forbidden), what's all that about?

Please don't link to the images, take copies instead.

Why is my bot explicitly excluded in robots.txt?

Because it ignores the Disallow: /*.cpt instructions and downloads the gradient files anyway, which buggers up the download statistics. Yes, I know that wildcards are not (yet) part of the robots.txt standard, but Google understands them and if you want to spider this site you need to as well.

Why does my bot get a 403 for every file on the site?

Because it ignores an explict exclusion in robots.txt.

My bot is better behaved now — can I get unbanned?

Sure, drop me an email.

Validate xhtml css
J.J. Green 2013