
Supported formats


A fly gradient-mapped with Spectral 08

The gradients on cpt-city are usually available in each of the following file formats:

Conversion to some formats is possible with the cptutils package of Unix command-line programs, and an online version is also available.

Some of the gradients in the archive have an alpha channel (transparency, opacity) and this will be present in all of the formats which support it. For those that do not (cpt, gpt, sao) the transparency will be replaced by an appropriate colour: this is indicated by αB for black, αW for white and so on.

There are some gradients which have not (or cannot) be translated to some formats. The main restrictions are:

Some of the POV-Ray colour-map (inc) files available on cpt-city contain more than 256 colours; the limit for current versions of the POV-Ray software. If you want to use a larger palette then you'll need to increase the value of MAX_BLEND_MAP_ENTRIES in source/frame.h in the POV-Ray sources and recompile it. Note that POV-Ray imposes restrictions on the distribution of modified sources.

Photoshop can only handle 56 levels in a psp file and will truncate larger files. Likwise, Tecplot limits the number of stops in a map file to 50.

The psp, inc and map files which are too large for their programs have the links to the files greyed out: the files are there, but probably won't work.

Other gradient formats may be added at a later date, although only formats which are fully open (and reasonably documented) will be considered for inclusion.

Further information on gradients can be found on the software links page.

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J.J. Green 2013