
Archive downloads by version

Downloads of the whole cpt-city archive per day, averaged over the version labeling the data blocks.

cpt zip downloads

The cpt (GMT) format

c3g zip downloads

The c3g format

ggr zip downloads

The ggr {Gimp} format

gpf zip downloads

The gpf (Gnuplot) format

inc zip downloads

The inc (PovRay) format

map zip downloads

The map (Tecplot) format

pg zip downloads

The pg (Postgres) format

psp zip downloads

The psp format

qgs zip downloads

The qgs (QGIS) format

svg zip downloads

The svg format

sao zip downloads

The sao format

cpt-city package debian downloads

The cpt-city GMT package, Debian version

cpt-city package tar downloads

The cpt-city GMT package, tar archive

Validate xhtml css
J.J. Green 2013