Older changes
- 06/09/2014
Added the sky gradients by Rafi.
- 01/09/2014
Added the GRID-Arendal schemes.
- 06/06/2014
Added the IDV schemes.
- 25/02/2014
Gradients in the PaintShop Pro format, formerly with the
"grd" extension, now have the "PspGradient" extension.
- 13/02/2014
Added the Gacruxa art gradients.
- 04/11/2013
Added the Heine collection of scales
for geological time.
- 08/07/2013
Added a bathymetry-only variant of the
IBCSO scheme for
Southern Ocean bathymetry.
- 15/06/2013
Added the NSA scheme for
global surveillance.
- 11/04/2013
Added the IBCSO scheme for
Southern Ocean bathymetry.
- 05/04/2013
Added the lookup tables from the ImageJ
astronomical visualisation program.
- 25/02/2013
Added the colour maps included with the
Fractint fractal generation
- 19/02/2013
Added two wikipedia cartographic schemes: subtle elevation for
and a topographic/bathymetric scheme for
- 01/10/2012
Experimental tagging removed.
- 17/08/2012
All SVG files now include a preview.
New metadata files DESC.xml are included in the zipfiles,
this information can be used by software (in particular, QGIS)
to aid the browsing a downloaded copy of the archive.
All COPYING.xml files now include a
field, used by 3rd party distributors of subpackages. Currently
only QGIS uses this field, other projects are welcome to use
the same mechanism.
- 08/08/2012
Added an experimental tagging feature. The tags will
be used to improve existing selections (views) and
generate new ones.
- 04/07/2012
Added new cartographic from wikipedia users
TUBS and
- 12/06/2012
Added the
classic schemes by Peggy Jentoft.
- 08/05/2012
Added the
mby scheme by M. Burak YIKILMAZ.
- 18/04/2012
Added Kenneth Moreland's
diverging schemes.
- 12/04/2012
Added the XKCD bathymetry
scheme and the GIMP Paint Studio
- 05/04/2012
Added Greg Reed's discretisation of the
ETOPO1 palette.
- 03/04/2012
Added new Wikipedia schemes for
Lithuanian elevation.
Several new
standard schemes for countries.
Elevation schemes extracted from
old encyclopedias.
- 27/03/2012
- Added new Wikipedia schemes for
life expectancy and
Black Forest topography.
- 09/03/2012
- Added the SAGA colour tables.
- 25/01/2012
- Added the cubehelix schemes by Dave Green.
- 20/01/2012
- Added the NCL colourmaps.
- 04/01/2012
- Updated Tom Patterson's topographical
- 30/12/2011
- Added wkp/plumbago, a
global elevation scheme.
- Added three more wikipedia
country schemes.
- 16/12/2011
- Added os, elevation schemes from
the Ordnance Survey.
- Added Tom Patterson's schemes for
US physical maps.
- 30/11/2011
- Added ukmo, several schemes for
meteorology from the UK Met office.
- Added gery's scheme for
seismic amplitude plots.
- 25/11/2011
- Added new wikipedia schemes, wkp/ice
for ice-thickness, and another for the elevation and bathymetry
of the
Celtic Sea.
- 20/11/2011
- Added pd/astro,
a set of gradients taken from astronomical
images, by Piecrust Design.
- 16/11/2011
- Completed the transition to full alpha channel (transparency,
opacity) support. Gradients which have an alpha channel now
have an extra field in their description stating the colour
which replaces alpha in formats which do not support it (cpt,
soa, gpf). The form is αB for black,
αW for white and so on.
- 28/10/2011
- All gradients now available in the SOA/DS9 colour map (soa)
- 16/10/2011
- Updated all of the
COLOURLovers palettes and their
continuous versions using
the variable widths now available in the COLOURLovers
web API.
- 01/08/2011
- Added a Wikipedia
χ2 confidence scheme.
- 05/05/2011
- All gradients now available in the CCS3 gradient (c3g)
- 12/04/2011
- Added three new GRASS colour ramps.
- 10/03/2011
- Added the ESRI ramps.
- 04/03/2011
- Added four Wikipedia stratigraphy
- 04/02/2011
- Added the Blackheartedwolf art
- 30/01/2011
- Updated the neota gradients.
- 01/11/2010
- All gradients now available in the Gnuplot format (gpf).
- Several new schemes in pm.
- 22/10/2010
- Added the
Petr Mikulík's Gnuplot/pm3d schemes.
- 18/10/2010
- Added the
CalorieLab obesity schemes.
- 11/10/2010
- Added the
IBCAO scheme for arctic bathymetry.
- 15/09/2010
- Added some
Art Deco and Nouveau gradients
by Piecrust Design.
- 10/09/2010
- Added a selection of COLOURLovers palettes by
evad (and
continuous versions).
- 15/07/2010
- Added
GMT nighttime
by Andreas Trawoeger.
- 27/06/2010
- Added DS9 colour scales for astronomy in ds9.
- 08/06/2010
- Felix von Luschan skin-colour scales in fvl.
- 19/05/2010
- Four new garish DEM palettes in jjg/dem.
- 18/04/2010
- Improved versions of jjg/cbcont
and jjg/cbac.
- 14/04/2010
- Added Neota 10, ten-step sequential
schemes based on Neota's gradients.
- 09/04/2010
- Continuous versions of the
COLOURLovers collection
- 04/04/2010
Continuous and
versions of Cynthia Brewer's schemes.
- 02/04/2010
Serrated versions of
Cynthia Brewer's schemes.
- 23/03/2010
Legends for geospatial data from the
New Jersey Geographical Survey.
- 12/03/2010
Added three new Wikipedia schemes.
- 21/01/2010
Added the NCDC's palette for the
probability of a white Christmas.
- 16/01/2010
Due to a typo in a build script all of the version
1.57 zip files contained only cpt files, now fixed.
- 12/01/2010
Added copyright information for all files. The information
applies to all of the gradients in a directory, and so some
directory reorganisation was required for
J.J. Green's gradients and the
Wikipedia schemes.
- 29/12/09
Added Duncan Agnew's alarm palettes.
Added new ipod and
button selections from
- 28/12/09
Added the KST gradients.
- 03/12/09
Added Fused Graphic's gradients for Vista
login buttons.
- 18/11/09
Updated Nevit Dilmen's collection.
- 21/10/09
Added a wikipedia palette for the planet
- 08/10/09
All files generated from Paint Shop Pro gradients
have been reprocessed with the latest version of pspcpt.
- 06/10/09
Three new schemes in the GRASS
- 23/09/09
Added a hansome collection of 690 art gradients
by ElvenSword.
- 22/08/09
Added two new Wikipedia schemes.
- 08/07/09
Renamed several gradients to remove trailing underscores.
The SVG gradients are now formatted with the xmllint program
included with libxml2.
- 14/06/09
Added three new Wikipedia schemes.
- 12/06/09
Added several new schemes to jjg.
- 01/06/09
More COLOURlovers palettes from
alpen and
- 05/05/09
Added the
GMT palettes cyclic and panoply.
- 04/05/09
Wikipedia schemes for Scotland, Djerba
and the Gulf of Tunis.
- 03/05/09
Added Wikipedia scheme
- 23/04/09
Added version 2.0 of the Wikipedia DEM scheme to wkp.
- 17/02/09
Moved Rick Franzen's pseudogrey into its own
section, rf.
- 12/02/09
Added ngdc, a colour palette for ETOPO1 data.
- 09/02/09
New gradients from photographs of
food and
by Piecrust design.
- 02/02/09
Added h5, colour tables from the h5utils package.
- 27/01/09
Added oc, gradients from NASA's OceanColor site.
- 10/01/09
We've moved again, now hosted by
Seaview Sensing's
server soliton.
- 04/01/09
Added jmn, James McNames' monotonic luminance
- 20/12/08
Added grass, the GRASS GIS colour maps.
- 30/10/08
Added colo, a selection of COLOURlover palettes.
- 10/08/08
Added go2, GoSquared's glossy gradients.
- 25/06/08
Added wkp, Wikipedia DEM schemes.
- 11/04/08
Added lb, gradients from Loadboy.
- 07/04/08
Added esdb, gradients from the European Soil Database.
- 14/01/08
Added sd, gradients for web 2.0 by Sarah Davison.
- 16/11/07
Added jjg/polarity, gradients for signed data.
- 16/11/07
Added jjg/haxbyish, a selection of variants on the
Haxby palette.
- 03/10/07
We've moved again, now hosted on Seaview Sensing's
server sview01.
- 01/07/07
Added the gradients by Hult.
- 14/01/07
Added some piecharts of the
relative popularity of the various formats available.
- 01/11/06
New gradients by Diane Simoni. One set from
icons and another inspired by
reddish grunge.
- 29/10/06
Added the drywet palette to GMT.
- 26/10/06
Added seven new gradients from Piecrust Design.
- 30/09/06
All gradients now also available in version 3 of the grd format (supported
by Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop) converted with an experimental code;
these have only been lightly tested, please report any problems.
- 29/08/06
Added 4 sets of subtle gradients by Meghan
Miller of Crumblingwalls.
- 28/08/06
All POV-Ray headers regenerated with version 1.25 of cptutils, the
colour-map name is now coerced to contain only alphanumerics
and underscores (fixing some POV-Ray parse errors).
- 27/06/06
More from Michele Albert with gradients inspired by
icecream and a striking
selection of red-greys.
- 26/06/06
A selection of fuschia gradients
has been contributed by Diane Simoni.
- 08/04/06
Updated Peggy Jentoft's gradients, adding her
seventh selection.
- 27/03/06
Updated the gradients by Michele Albert, adding a fresh
spicy selection.
- 26/03/06
Added some examples, contributions would
be most welcome!
- 26/01/06
Another move for cpt-city (now hosted by pdfb's server)
and now, finally, the POV-Ray grandients can be downloaded,
Updated files by Thomas Lotze.
- 02/01/06
Added the gradients by Michele Albert, several
themed selections of palettes for anime and graphic design.
- 28/11/05
Updated the gradients by Ingerlise.
- 20/11/05
Added the ShadeMax palettes by Jim Mossman.
- 11/11/05
Added the voxpop diverging
- 21/09/05
Added the GIST gradients.
- 21/09/05
Added the gradients by Peggy Jentoft.
Added the POV-Ray colour-map headers with more than 20 stops.
POV-Ray file are still unavailable due to server problems.
- 30/08/05
Following several requests, most of the gradients are now also
available as POV-Ray colour-map header files (inc).
- 29/08/05
Added four DEM palettes by Fred M. Erickson.
- 25/08/05
Added the sky gradients from Piecrust Design.
Sorted out the mime-types, I think, having set all gradients to be
of type "text/other". Text, so that line-ending conversion should
be done for people on wierd platforms. Other, as I don't want to view
a gradient as text (in the way you would with a README.txt), and on
firefox "text/other" forces a download dialogue. Nice. If you know
a better type please let me know.
- 24/08/05
On the move; cpt-city now has a new home. Many thanks to the
University of Sheffield for hosting the site for the last 2
- 09/07/05
Download stats now exclude muliple downloads of a file to the
same IP.
- 26/06/05
New versions of the cpt and ggr files translated from the Open Clipart Library
SVG gradients. The ggr files now have a correct alpha channel.
- 04/06/05
All svg gradients updated following some enhancements to the cpt to svg
translation code.
- 31/05/05
Gradients are now also available in the svg format using an experimental
conversion from cpt. A few cpt files (those with HSV colour model, and those
with hatchures) do not yet translate.
- 23/04/05
Gradients are now also available in the ggr (GIMP gradient) format.
Updated Nevit Dilmen's gradients.
- 25/03/05
Added new palette
pseudogrey with
1785 levels of near grey, from an idea by Rich Franzen.
- 08/02/05
Added the gradients by
Ingerlise, again converted from the
Paint Shop Pro gradient format.
- 28/01/05
Added a fine set of subtle gradients by
onecoldcanadian. These were converted
from the Paint Shop Pro gradient format with an experimental
code; they may be subject to change.
- 28/12/04
Modified the way that the png files are generated, hatchures are
now much clearer.
- 20/12/04
Added a monthly history page to
the site statistics.
- 03/12/04
Changed the processing of the statistics used to make the
distribution map and
most popular pages. Now IP addresses
which download more than 300 cpt files are excluded from
consideration. This change is in response to a problem with
dozy crawlers which do not honour robots.txt.
- 28/11/04
Added new palette
for continental shelf bathymetry. This is the GMT gebco palette
but with a maximal depth of 700m rather than 7000m.
- 14/11/04
Added a page of links.
- 14/10/04
Several corrections to the cpt-city debian package which
seems to be moving towards stability.
- 11/10/04
Added the cpt-city package page.
- 05/10/04
Fixed a couple of broken links.
- 12/09/04
Added selected ocal gradients to the
hueshift and
blues views.
- 11/09/04
Second attempt at the Open Clip Art Library gradients.
All now translate, and the page now renders correctly on Gecko browsers.
- 10/09/04
Added first attempt at a translation of the
Open Clip Art Library gradients. There are
a few which do not yet translate.
- 05/09/04
Added validation links and a new view of
hueshift palettes.
- 31/08/04
Download statistics page now has a
table as well as a map.
- 29/08/04
Split the bathymetry view into bathymetry
and blues. Added a view of palettes for
topography and
topography & bathymetry.
- 28/08/04
Added a view of palettes for bathymetry.
- 27/08/04
Corrected defintion list errors in news, and gave it a bit of
a tidy up.
- 26/08/04
The 6,000th cpt download. Everybody wants to live in cpt-city, and
who can blame them?
- 26/08/04
The site notes are now generated with the perl template
toolkit: this is for future extension and should not affect
the site's appearance.
- 26/08/04
- Added some internal links.
- 22/08/04
A superficial reorganisation of the front-page
dividing peripheral material into notes, stats and
views categories, the directory structure of the site
being change to reflect this.
- 18/08/04
- Links to gimpcpt redirected to cptutils.
- 10/08/04
- Fixed a few broken links.
- 21/06/04
Added a map of download distribution.
- 18/06/04
Neota has kindly contributed his most recent
colour work, a panorama of 136 continuous toning gradients for pixel art.
This really is a fabulous collection.
- 03/06/04
- Added Neota's gradients.
- 03/05/04
New page listing the top 30
- 25/04/04
Added ukdem, a lightly saturated DEM palette by
J.J. Green.
- 22/04/04
- Added Eric R. Jeschke's toning samples.
- 22/04/04
- Fixed some typos in contributors notes.
- 12/04/04
- Updated J.J. Green's palettes visspec and bbrad.
- 29/03/04
- Added the nonlinear greyscales by Thomas Lotze.
- 28/03/04
- Added the gradients by Nevit Dilmen to the archive
- 28/03/04
Corrected CSS typo which gave a misrendering on Gecko
based browsers.
- 21/03/04
- Image page centring should now work correctly in IE5.
- 21/03/04
- Corrected some typos in Cynthia Brewer's pages.
- 21/03/04
- Fixed the incorrect ranges appearing in some of the image pages.
- 15/03/04
- New contribution by Victor Huerfano.