Recent changes
- 26/02/2025
- Added Kate Morley's 12-bit rainbow scheme.
- 23/07/2021
- Added the usgs schemes by the USGS and Dr. Richard L. Langford.
- 15/08/2019
- The gradients are now available in map format, as used by Tecplot.
- 24/05/2019
- Added the moon scheme by Paul Naylor.
- 15/01/2019
- Updated the cmocean collection to version 2.0, with four new maps: topo, rain, tarn and diff.
- 20/12/2018
- Added the cividis colour-maps by Nuñez, Anderton and Renslow
- 18/07/2016
- Added the cmocean palettes by Kristen M. Thyng.
- 04/04/2016
- Gradients are now available in the QGIS style format (qgs) and the PostGIS format (pg) — it should also be possible to use the latter in the GDAL program gdaldem, the GRASS r.colors utility and in ESRI products which call for a HDR color table.
- 02/03/2016
- Added Christopher Wesson's Western Arabia Terra ramp.
- Added the matplotlib perceptually uniform sequential colour-maps.
- 23/09/2015
- Updated the GMT gradients.
- 02/07/2015
- Added the Wikipedia gay flag schemes.
- 18/02/2015
- Added the Statistik Stadt Zürich schemes.
- 06/09/2014
- Added the sky gradients by Rafi.
- 01/09/2014
- Added the GRID-Arendal schemes.
- 06/06/2014
- Added the IDV schemes.
- 25/02/2014
- Gradients in the PaintShop Pro format, formerly with the "grd" extension, now have the "PspGradient" extension.
- 13/02/2014
- Added the Gacruxa art gradients.
- 04/11/2013
- Added the Heine collection of scales for geological time.
- 08/07/2013
- Added a bathymetry-only variant of the IBCSO scheme for Southern Ocean bathymetry.
- 15/06/2013
- Added the NSA scheme for global surveillance.
- 11/04/2013
- Added the IBCSO scheme for Southern Ocean bathymetry.
- 05/04/2013
- Added the lookup tables from the ImageJ astronomical visualisation program.
- 25/02/2013
- Added the colour maps included with the Fractint fractal generation program.
- 19/02/2013
- Added two wikipedia cartographic schemes: subtle elevation for Pakistan and a topographic/bathymetric scheme for Colombia.
- 01/10/2012
- Experimental tagging removed.
- 17/08/2012
- All SVG files now include a preview.
- New metadata files DESC.xml are included in the zipfiles, this information can be used by software (in particular, QGIS) to aid the browsing a downloaded copy of the archive.
All COPYING.xml files now include a
field, used by 3rd party distributors of subpackages. Currently only QGIS uses this field, other projects are welcome to use the same mechanism. - 08/08/2012
- Added an experimental tagging feature. The tags will be used to improve existing selections (views) and generate new ones.
- 04/07/2012
- Added new cartographic from wikipedia users TUBS and Lilleskut.
- 12/06/2012
- Added the classic schemes by Peggy Jentoft.
- 08/05/2012
- Added the mby scheme by M. Burak YIKILMAZ.
- 18/04/2012
- Added Kenneth Moreland's diverging schemes.
- 12/04/2012
- Added the XKCD bathymetry scheme and the GIMP Paint Studio gradients.
- 05/04/2012
- Added Greg Reed's discretisation of the ETOPO1 palette.
- 03/04/2012
- Added new Wikipedia schemes for precipitation.
- Lithuanian elevation.
- Several new standard schemes for countries.
- Elevation schemes extracted from old encyclopedias.
- 27/03/2012
- Added new Wikipedia schemes for life expectancy and Black Forest topography.
- 09/03/2012
- Added the SAGA colour tables.
- 25/01/2012
- Added the cubehelix schemes by Dave Green.
- 20/01/2012
- Added the NCL colourmaps.
- 04/01/2012
- Updated Tom Patterson's topographical schemes.
- 30/12/2011
- Added wkp/plumbago, a global elevation scheme.
- Added three more wikipedia country schemes.
- 16/12/2011
- Added os, elevation schemes from the Ordnance Survey.
- Added Tom Patterson's schemes for US physical maps.
- 30/11/2011
- Added ukmo, several schemes for meteorology from the UK Met office.
- Added gery's scheme for seismic amplitude plots.
- 25/11/2011
- Added new wikipedia schemes, wkp/ice for ice-thickness, and another for the elevation and bathymetry of the Celtic Sea.
- 20/11/2011
- Added pd/astro, a set of gradients taken from astronomical images, by Piecrust Design.
- 16/11/2011
- Completed the transition to full alpha channel (transparency, opacity) support. Gradients which have an alpha channel now have an extra field in their description stating the colour which replaces alpha in formats which do not support it (cpt, soa, gpf). The form is αB for black, αW for white and so on.
- 28/10/2011
- All gradients now available in the SOA/DS9 colour map (soa) format.
- 16/10/2011
- Updated all of the COLOURLovers palettes and their continuous versions using the variable widths now available in the COLOURLovers web API.
- 01/08/2011
- Added a Wikipedia χ2 confidence scheme.
- 05/05/2011
- All gradients now available in the CCS3 gradient (c3g) format.
- 12/04/2011
- Added three new GRASS colour ramps.
- 10/03/2011
- Added the ESRI ramps.
- 04/03/2011
- Added four Wikipedia stratigraphy schemes.
- 04/02/2011
- Added the Blackheartedwolf art gradients.
- 30/01/2011
- Updated the neota gradients.
- 01/11/2010
- All gradients now available in the Gnuplot format (gpf).
- Several new schemes in pm.
- 22/10/2010
- Added the Petr Mikulík's Gnuplot/pm3d schemes.
- 18/10/2010
- Added the CalorieLab obesity schemes.
- 11/10/2010
- Added the IBCAO scheme for arctic bathymetry.
- 15/09/2010
- Added some Art Deco and Nouveau gradients by Piecrust Design.
- 10/09/2010
- Added a selection of COLOURLovers palettes by evad (and continuous versions).
- 15/07/2010
- Added GMT nighttime by Andreas Trawoeger.
- 27/06/2010
- Added DS9 colour scales for astronomy in ds9.
- 08/06/2010
- Felix von Luschan skin-colour scales in fvl.
- 19/05/2010
- Four new garish DEM palettes in jjg/dem.
- 18/04/2010
- Improved versions of jjg/cbcont and jjg/cbac.
- 14/04/2010
- Added Neota 10, ten-step sequential schemes based on Neota's gradients.
- 09/04/2010
- Continuous versions of the COLOURLovers collection
- 04/04/2010
- Continuous and near-continuous versions of Cynthia Brewer's schemes.
- 02/04/2010
- Serrated versions of Cynthia Brewer's schemes.
- 23/03/2010
- Legends for geospatial data from the New Jersey Geographical Survey.
- 12/03/2010
- Added three new Wikipedia schemes.
- 21/01/2010
- Added the NCDC's palette for the probability of a white Christmas.
- 16/01/2010
- Due to a typo in a build script all of the version 1.57 zip files contained only cpt files, now fixed.
- 12/01/2010
- Added copyright information for all files. The information applies to all of the gradients in a directory, and so some directory reorganisation was required for J.J. Green's gradients and the Wikipedia schemes.
Older news can be found here.